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Friday, December 14, 2012

The End

New song I just composed in celebration of the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar and beginning of the golden age humanity.
Happy holidays and to all a good night!

© 2012 by Mark D. Friedman

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Never Too Old to Slam

Never Too Old to Slam

I'm not too old to slam,
Because I need
Now more than ever
To spill this truth:
The older I am,
The more alive I feel.
I am a tattered
Paradox of passion,
A dying ember
Eager to explode
Into flame.
The anger that has
Raged inside me
For so long now
Holds up a giant,
Final fuck you finger
To the flaccid face of fate,
Raises up its hissing head,
And spits its cobra venom
Into the great sucking
Eye of death.

It's time for me to slam it
Down. I'm finally old enough
To really say what I mean,
And not give a shit what people think.
Look into the mirror of my words.
If you think I'm less than I am,
Because I look older than I feel,
I'm talking to you. There is
Nothing left but the truth.
I tell you this because
I'm done with blame.

Look at me,
And if you see yourself,
It's because we are the same.
I may finish before you start,
But we all run the same race.
For how long or at what pace
Doesn't really matter.
It's the human race,
And we have no choice
But to run and run we do,
And no one running
With their heart open
Ever loses, and no one
Reaching for more
Leaves empty handed,
And not a single stride
Goes to waste.

It's time to get down to it,
Our forever is now and
Forever changing into then.
Nothing you can say
Makes it easier to die.
The truth is simple.
We're lost without love.

As long as I'm alive,
I'll never forgive the greed
That rots our world,
That nips our heels
And turns our Eden
To wasteland,
Nor will ever I abide
The hate that
Rips apart our souls,
If we don't take a stand.

We are a bursting
Supernova of love,
Silhouetted by
The lightening
Of our desire.
When we smile,
We shine more brightly
Than a billion stars.
When we grieve,
It is a hurricane of pain,
A deluge of hurt without end.

My brothers and sisters
Are of all ages.
Together we are more
Colorful than the fish
that glide among the coral,
More tenacious than wild thistle.
Together we wield the power
Of the human heart,
There's nothing more potent,
Nothing we cannot overcome.

I'm not too old or too white to slam,
Because I'm half African,
Half Asian, half Jew, half Arab,
Half indigenous, half developed,
Half wild, half dead, half human,
Half animal, half budding green,
Half dark night,
I am the dawning
Half bright half-light,
My live is more
Than half off over,
But my half-life is infinite,
And I've half a mind
To leave this half assed
Country if there was
Somewhere else I could find
That was half way decent.

No, I'm not too old, too white
or even too straight to slam,
Because I'm half man,
Half woman, half gay,
Half lesbian, half trans,
Half willing, half-witted and halfcocked.

I'm always halfway between
Myself and somebody else,
And always some when
Between now and again
I'm on my way to being me.

Being alive
Is all about connection.
Nothing else matters.
There's nothing evil, nothing
Wrong, nothing about you,
Nothing inside of me,
Nothing human I cannot love.

My brothers and sisters are misters
And misses, and men who love men,
And women who love women, and men
Who were born women and women
Who were born men, and men and women
Who are both or neither a man or a woman,
It makes no difference.
How much I love you
Has nothing to do with your color,
Your gender, your dress,
Who you fuck or how old
You aren't,
But with who you are.
It's all about the joy
Of you becoming you.

I know now I'm not too old
To slam because I still can
See the beauty inside everyone.

I know no matter
What we think we want,
Or how hard we try
To be someone else,
We can only ever be
Who we really are.

I'm not too old
To slam because
I'm not too old to love.

I sit on the ragged
Edge of death's bed.
I blink and gulp the light
Like a goldfish gulps for air,
And decide each morning
To get up and live,
To love and become,
And choose not to
Sleep beyond the darkness.
If my heart is still beating,
I open it.

The longer I live,
The more I have
A need to give.
The more I give,
The more I have
to live for.

I'll never be
Too old to care,
Never too old to slam.

Monday, October 29, 2012

All We Have (Dance with Me)

My newest compostion is now availabe for free download on Reverb Nation. It is called "All We Have (Dance with Me)". Now that I have learned how to compose something besides 12 bar blues, I guess I better figure out how to sing. Or maybe someone that can really sing will like it and and decide to do it right! Please let me know if the song calls to you!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Letter to the Candidates 2012

We want America back!
We want America to follow the American Dream.
No more poor fighting rich men’s wars.
If someone really must go, send the big CEO’s.
Then leave them there.  They’ll find someone to bring them coffee.

We don’t care about the Iranian bomb.
Too many have died in the crusade
against weapons of mass destruction.

We are not worried about a terrorist
following us home like a rabid dog.
We are not afraid of your boogie man bombers.

We fear only our mistakes,
we’re afraid the bombs we have dropped on babies
will hail back down on us like smoking guns.
We need to change it all around.
We need to fight the good war,
the war against ignorance and cruelty,
the war against torture and racism,
one that won’t bankrupt us financially or morally.

We want America back!
We want gays to run the military
and a lesbian marriage on the White House lawn.
We want to build homes for the homeless
help the hungry, take care of the sick,
and educate the curious,
we want government to start earning its keep.

Don’t tell me 47% of America is unwilling to take “personal responsibility”
for their lives.  When is Romney going take responsibility for his lies?
We don’t want to hear someone talking about “legitimate” rape.
We know who is really getting screwed.

We want America back!  (We want it all back.)
We not only want decent jobs
but our jobs to realize
we work to live not live to work.
We need time to play with our kids.
We need schools that are not
brain numbing factories
where our kids can learn
what they care about
and still have time to be kids.

We want to make it hard to get married
and easy to get divorced.
We want to make blind patriotism illegal
and to legalize marijuana.

We want good music in the groceries stores
and art on the walls of Walmart.
We want a national holiday for Allen Ginsberg’s birthday.
We want to see Obama face off Romney
in a nationally televised slam.
We want to silence all politicians
unless they can speak with rhyme and reason.
We want to hear about your solutions not their problems.
We want to pay our teachers like baseball players.
We want to give awards to parents
who listen to their teenagers
and love them no matter what.

We want free college,
free daycare and free healthcare.
We want doctors to treat humans
not just disease.

We want to retire early and securely.
We want Jimi Hendrix music
in our Senior Centers.

We want America back!
We want to live in community.
We want to understand and respect
our neighbors across the street
and all across the globe.

We believe in human rights
for all people and all nations
even if they don’t have oil.
We want to tear down the walls on our border
and welcome the hard working immigrants
that have always made America great.

We want to learn new languages,
to embrace new cultures,
to be a partner not a bully.
We want to be part of the human
mandala that will heal the earth.

We want America back!
We want Exxon executives to have to walk to work,
Clear Channel to never play the same song twice,
Procter & Gamble to care more about cancer than profit,
General Mills to start making their food sacred.

Take the money we pay farmers not to plant
and use it to learn sustainable farming
with respect for our planet.

We want to let the trees grow
and give land back to the animals.
We want our Native Americans
to manage our national forests.

We want one rider SUVs banned
from all public highways.
We don’t want to drill
the last of our wilderness,
not now, not ever.
We want the oil companies to give back
the money they are stealing from us.
We want electric cars not tax breaks for the rich.
We want the power of the wind
and the sun and the oceans,
we want to plan now to stop
global warming before it is too late.

We want America back!
We want rivers we can drink out of
and cities we can walk in.
We want a real democracy,
where voters pick the candidates.
We want to elect our president
by national popular vote.
Ban all campaign ads.
Use the money to register more voters,
to run more candidates.
We want to reserve the rights of free speech
for real people, not big corporations.
Make the corporate donors admit what that
are trying to buy for all that money.

We need a president who cares
for all Americans, who speaks for the people
not the corporations, and a congress that will
work together and do what is best for the country
no matter whether or not
they think it will benefit their party.
In fact, ban all political parties!
We need a no party system,
with no corporate personage,
with politicians jailed for lying,
and the media paid by how thoughtful,
balanced and complete they report
what is really happening.

We need Americans to understand we are taking America back!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Trick of Becoming

New video poem, The Trick of Becoming:
Please go to to watch or download.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Garden Light (Digital Art)

Just finished this one.  It is a digital painting I call "Garden Light."
I hope you llke it.  It is a different direction for me, although I am still hooked on color.  You may view any of my work at my Virtual Gallery.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Surfer Girl

Here's the song I wrote in Paul Riesler's Song School class. It was based on the story of another student. We all traded stories and then wrote songs about them. I wanted to try something new and break out of my 12 bar box. Please let me know what you think.

Here's the lyrics: 

Surfer Girl

Stay away
Please stay away,
Poison love
kills more each day.
The sea inside
red with pain,
bites her skin,

Stay away.
Please stay away.
Needs your love,
she pulls away.
Dressed in black,
black fingernails,
smeared black lips,

Catch the wave
that comes to save.
Learn to ride
that place inside.
Hold the gold,
make it stay.
The surfer Girl
is born today.

On her board
she caught her wave,
matters not
what the ocean gave.
She can fly,
turn herself around,
land like a kiss,

Blackened shell
shed that night,
colors bleed
from broken light,
digs her hand
into the sand,
her aqua eyes,

Catch the wave
that comes to save.
Learn to ride
that place inside.
Hold the gold,
make it stay.
The surfer Girl
is born today.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Girl Braiding Hair

Girl Braiding Hair

She combs her hair as if to untangle
the tussle of his touch, powders plum skin
still stinging from his grizzled tentacle,
over is over when the pain begins.

Elderberry lips are smeared red to hide
the ache, and the baby that was to be,
a hated thing, no longer lives inside,
over is over, at last she writhes free.

Emerging from tide pools, how her eyes swell,
gleam blue, brim briny with bright tears of no;
her anguish, a warped lens, a fractured shell,
over is over wherever she goes.

Easy enough to layer a right hand
full of hair limp on the wild red rope held
snug by left, hand upon hand upon hand,
over is over, when love's flame is quelled.

Not so simple now to grab another fist
full of life, or to be braided again,
when what blooms and wrenches within is missed,
over is over when twisted hurt ends.


I chose to write on “Girl Braiding Hair” because I have always been haunted by the sensuality of Renoir’s work. According to Tama Garb, the renowned art historian, Renoir was known as "above all, the painter of women." The women he painted were often pictured as simultaneously innocent, provocative, pensive, alluring, enticing and unattainable. Perhaps it was these qualities of feminine allure and beauty that inspired Robin Dodge to create “Girl Braiding Hair” after the fashion of a Renoir woman. It is also such qualities in women that inspired poet, W. B. Yeats, to some of his greatest work. Although I admire and have always been inspired by the fine craftsmanship of his poetry, I have never attempted, until now, to write in the style of W. B. Yeats. It was, therefore, a wonderful challenge to have this opportunity to seriously emulate this poet I have always believed to be one of the greatest of all time.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Good Frame of Mind: Featured Artist Mark Friedman

A Good Frame of Mind: Featured Artist Mark Friedman

Order any on my work custom printed and framed at American Frame!
Btween now & May 15th get 10% off any prints by using the code "E5A5OFF". Please let me know if you order so I can send you a persoanl thank you!